
Hamline MBA presentation.jpgjeremy-swenson-making-point-01_14_17

Mr. Swenson is open to independently write, co-author, commentate on radio or T.V., or be a source for journalists. He is also open to speaking at companies, universities, non-profits, think tanks, and at private events on a selective basis. He can be a moderator, speaker, or panel member. If you are looking for a non-big-four opinion from someone with an exceptionally amazing background, with varied roles and responsibilities in business and a track record of authentic leadership and innovative thinking and writing, he offers the best millennial / xennial commentary from a disruptive thinking perspective. He has been an “outside the box” thinker his entire life. He knows leadership by going with the flow is the biggest mass social-cultural fallacy of modern times and that it is far more dangerous than most people realize. He has charisma, style, great speaking and story-telling skills, and he bridges gaps between diverse stakeholders to derive creative thoughts. If you are interested in having him speak at your next event contact him here. Below is a list of topics he specializes in:

economic creativity emerging technological trends
how to have technological security without harming the business what is true leadership and why most people fail at this
the future of business and technology retail banking
managerial strategy the future of retail
why variety: innovation vs. repetition disruptive thinking
financial regulation and Fed. policy sitting in a cube = yesterday
risk management how to inspire your team to the next level
digital currency free market economics
citizen journalism the music business
networking and lobbying the Minneapolis music scene

Selected speaking engagements:

Selected writing and press: